Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Need For Equality "

Not long after I post about the need for equality (http://brainatthedoor.blogspot.com/2011/10/need-for-equality.html) along comes this:


Is There Such A Thing As A Scientific Fact? 2

Every now and then (OK - most days) I look at the stats for this blog and find, to my surprise, that the most viewed blogs in the last week aren't usually the recent ones.  My post Is There Such A Thing As A Scientific Fact? (http://brainatthedoor.blogspot.com/2009/11/is-there-such-thing-as-scientific-fact.html) is a case in point as it shows up in the top 6 most weeks despite being 2 years old and only having 5 comments; two of which are mine.

This came back to me this week when I read an article on the BBC site which raises one of the issues I was trying to discuss.  It starts with the conclusive statement:

"Subatomic particles called neutrinos cannot move faster than the speed of light, according to a new report. "

but when you read down the basis for this is "says that because the neutrinos sent from Cern do not appear to lose energy on their journey, they must not have exceeded the speed of light along the way."

Now given that we have never before witnessed particles that exceed the speed of light (or may still have not - but that is another issue) I do not know how the categorical statement about them not losing energy can be made as a proof of experimental error.  If they had said "that because the neutrinos sent from Cern do not appear to lose energy on their journey, they must not have exceeded the speed of light along the way or are behaving in a way that does not fit into any of our current theories" that would have been correct.  However it appears that scientists who have spent years postulating theories have mistaken them for facts.

Do Not Be Afraid

I was reading another blog ( http://sallysjourney.typepad.com/sallys_journey/ - well worth a visit) and the words "Do not be Afraid" jumped out at me and almost immediately gave me the form for this poem.  However it wasn't complete as I couldn't work out where the poem was going and how to get it to a conclusion.  Slowly the words sank in and I knew it was taking me to areas I'd rather avoid.


“Do not be afraid” said the Lord
To the traveller with no land

“Do not be afraid” said the Lord
To the young mother
Cast out for having her owner's son

“Do not be afraid” said the Lord
To the young man
Threshing wheat in a winepress
So the enemies wouldn’t see him

“Do not be afraid” said the Lord
To the prophet invited to meet the despot

“Do not be afraid” said the angel in all her glory
To the startled young woman

“Do not be afraid” said the angel
In the dream of the young man
Puzzling over his beloved’s betrayal

“Do not be afraid” said the angel
To the startled shepherds on the hillside

“Do not be afraid, little flock,” said Jesus,
“for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom”

“Do not be afraid” said the angel
To the women whose love drove them to the tomb of their Lord

“Do not be afraid” said Jesus
To the women puzzled by the angel’s news

“Do not be afraid” said the Lamb in all His glory
To the disciple exiled for his faith

“Do not be afraid”
But I am

Afraid to let go
The things of this world

Afraid to let go
And trust only you

Because my faith is weak

Lord, I believe;
Help thou mine unbelief.